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Lakeshore Property Owners Association

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The LPOA has launched the "Love our Oaks" campaign to help with the systematic pruning process for all our live oaks on public spaces in our neighborhood.  We have several giving levels from $100 to $10,000. Please consider donating. For questions, contact the LPOA governance.

Join us in saying "Thank You" to the following donors: Deborah and Cary Grant - $1,000, Barney Rees and Jacki Meriwether - $1,000, Ray and Rachel Harney - $500, Norma and Leon Cannizzaro - $500, Frank Barrett, Remax Affiliates - $500, Cheryl McConnell - $500, Lauren and Brian Mora - $500, The Duhe' Family - $350, Michael anad Ellen Meyers - $350, John and Agnes Kalmar - $300, Lyle and Linda Ferguson - $250, Patrick and Jean Pritchett - $250, Steve and Jane Duncan - $250, Stephen and Katie Perrien - $250, Mark and Vivian Marino - $250, Ralph and Terri Melian - $250, Ellen and Barry Schully - $460, Robert Mora - $250, Roalnd Belsome - $100, Benjamin Maygarden - $100, Joni Freidmann-Lagasse and Larry Lagassee - $100, Lily James - $100, Linda and Kurt Sins - $100, Lesley Lapeze - $100, Gary and Janice McCall - $100, The Hernandez Family - $100, Ross and Diane Jacobson - $100,K irth Paciera - $100, Dr. Luke and Jenniefer Cvitanovic - $100, Harrison Hocker - $100, Joan Hebert - $100, Tommy and Leigh Ittmann - $100, Yvette Pettus - $100, Quinton Miner - $100, Katy and Howard Sinor - $50, Sarah Sue - $50, Ann DeRouen - $50, Danielle Lehon - $50